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SKU: KI-DNGA-05 Category:

It seems there might be a typo in your question. If you’re referring to a “Copper Table Tandoor,” it’s likely you’re asking about a tabletop tandoor made with copper. A tandoor is a traditional clay or metal oven used in many countries, especially in South Asia and the Middle East, for baking and cooking various dishes.

A copper table tandoor would be a tabletop version of a tandoor, designed for home use or smaller gatherings. The use of copper in the construction may not only provide an attractive appearance but can also contribute to good heat conductivity.

In a tabletop tandoor, you can cook a variety of dishes, including bread (like naan), kebabs, and other traditional tandoori recipes. These compact versions are often popular for outdoor cooking, and they can be fueled by charcoal or gas.

If you’re considering purchasing or using a copper table tandoor, it’s essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper use and maintenance. Additionally, ensure that the materials used are safe for cooking and adhere to any safety guidelines provided.

Please note that the availability and features of specific products may vary, so it’s a good idea to check with the manufacturer or retailer for detailed information about the particular copper table tandoor you’re interested in.

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